Well Registration


All wells, regardless of use, must be registered with the District unless the well has been permanently sealed. This includes domestic wells and windmills. Registration is a one-time process and there is no fee to register your well. 

New wells must be registered prior to drilling. Oftentimes, a drilling company will complete the registration form on your behalf.  Be sure to check with your driller.  


Well Registration Form 

Incomplete forms are considered administratively incomplete and will be returned for completion.

Step 1: 

Complete the form as thoroughly as possible. If you do not know the answer to any well related questions, please contact your driller. Your driller should be able to provide that information for you.  Also, please include your email address in the event we need to contact you. NOTE: The latitude and longitude of the well location is required for proper registration. You may use a Google Earth map or another type of GPS device to pinpoint the well coordinates. 

Step 2: 

Submit your form(s) by mail to 910 Milam Street, Columbus, TX 78934 or email it to kim@ccgcd.net. 

Step 3: 

Determine if the proposed well will require a permit. If the well will be used for domestic or livestock use and will be capable of pumping more than 35 gallons per minute (50,000 gallons per day), a permit will be required. For most other uses, if the casing size is greater than 4 inches, a permit will be required. If the casing size is 4 inches or less and the registrant will attempt to produce more than 50 acre feet in a 3 year period, a permit will be required. Navigate to the Well Permitting tab for further permitting instructions. 


Drillers are required to provide the District with a copy of the State of Texas Well Report within 60 days of completion.